Three Ways to Revamp Your Vegan Diet


Veganuary is coming in just a few weeks, and while I'm not new to the diet, I like to use this time to take a look at my lifestyle and shift some things.

I put together a list of three ways to revamp your vegan diet this veganuary to help you ring in the new year with health and happiness!

Digestive Enzymes.

There is an old saying “you are what you eat”, but in reality you are what you digest. If you’re experiencing any digestive distress like gas, bloating, constipation, or diarrhea chances are you are not properly absorbing your food. Thriving on my vegan diet is extremely important to me. I want to have enough energy to get through my day without feeling like I’m running on empty. Part of the way to do this is to be mindful of what I’m eating and how I’m utilizing those nutrients. Digestive enzymes support your body in the breakdown of food and allow you to properly

Mindful Eating.

To piggyback onto tip #1 Mindful eating is another thing that I want to embrace this coming year. Mindful eating is one of the key tools that we have to help our body properly absorb without looking to outside resources. Mindful eating is being fully present, chewing each bite, and taking a moment between to savor the food. It not only can help you avoid overeating ( slowing down will help your body receive the full signals"), but it will give your body the chance to secrete digestive enzymes, and properly breakdown the food in a rest and digest state.

Trying New Vegetables.

When I lived in NYC I would spend my weekends at the farmers market searching for new and weird vegetables that I’ve never had before. I do that to some extent today, but want to include an even larger variety of vegetables into my diet. This will expose me to different nutritional profiles, textures, flavors, and more! If you’re new to eating vegan, you don’t have to look for extremely exotic foods just try branch out of your comfort zone however that looks for you!

Check back the whole month for more tips and tricks to making the most out of your vegan lifestyle!