My Top 5 Vegan Pantry Staples


Two of the things that have made the most benefits to my health have been meal prepping and building my pantry.

Considering I have you covered in the meal prepping department today I want to focus on the 5 things that I always have in my pantry. 


Oats are super versatile, they are a great source of fiber, can be added to a smoothie, made into a treat (overnight oats!), A quick breakfast or the base of gf bread. 

Quinoa /Beans/Legumes

I always keep a grain and some beans on hand (quinoa and lentils are usually it). Quinoa is usually my go to because it is a complete protein (meaning it has all of the essential amino acids) and takes just 15 minutes to prepare (it also freezes well!) I add quinoa to salads, tacos, oats, or mix with veggies for a quick dinner I can throw together in just a few minutes. In addition I keep dry beans and lentils on hand as well to add variety and protein to any dish!

Coconut Milk

The kind in the can to be exact. I love it because it is shelf stable, and it is the base of my vegan creamer, but can easily be turned into coconut whip cream, or pudding. It can also mix with some spices and a nut butter and become a delicious sauce for quinoa and veggies

Frozen Greens + Fruits

I love to have frozen veggies on hand. They are much healthier than canned (they are frozen when their nutrients are at their peak), and have a longer shelf life than fresh (I always have fresh greens as well!) They can be made into a meal or mixed into a smoothie for an extra dose of your daily greens

Nut butter

Nut butters are high in protein so I always have some at home. I usually rotate my options and mix them up so I don't get bored of the tastes! The only requirements is that they can only have 1 (maybe 2 if it's salt!) Ingredients and that's the nut! I add nut butters into my oats or smoothies,  make sauces, or enjoy with an apple as a snack.

As you can see all of these ingredients are so versatile, can work together for so many different combinations and options,  are high in plant based proteins,healthy fats, and a range of vitamins and minerals. 

They can also be added to the hungry hippie meals to meet your individual needs each week. If you had a longer day and need more protein a quick boil or quinoa will work well with almost all of our dishes + you can never go wrong with adding more greens!