Posts tagged healthy digestion
4 Tips You Can Implement Today To Improve Your Digestion

Having a healthy digestive system is one of the most important foundations for overall health . 

Healthy digestion is a body free from gas, bloating, and inflammation, and the ability to have complete bowel movements to eliminate toxins. 

While what we eat plays a role in our digestion there are some other things that you can do to make sure you are assisting your body during its intricate process.

  1. Follow the 20/20 Rule. When we start to smell or even think of food our bodies start to secrete fluids that contain digestive enzymes. These enzymes are responsible for breaking down the food, and are easily washed away when we drink. So following the 20/20 rule  - no fluids 20 minutes before, during, or 20 minutes after eating - will help to keep these intact. 

  2. 100 Bites. Swallowing food almost whole makes the body have to work that much harder to digest and absorb it. Taking smaller bites and chewing until it is broken down will help you body.

  3. Slow down. Eating fast will cause excess air to be swallowed leaving you bloated and gassy. Try to put your fork down in between bites 

  4. Take a few deep breaths before eating. Our nervous system is either in rest and digest or fight or flight. Both have their place, but only one belongs at the dinner table. Getting into a rest and digest state is critical for digestion, so take notice of where you are eating your food, and your emotions before you start eating. If you’re at work eat away from your desk, take a few deep breaths, and smile before eating.

If you do experience any gas or bloating here are 3 things you can use to find relief fast!

  1. doTerra - DigestZen. You can apply this topically or take it orally. It’s a combination of gut friendly herbs like peppermint and fennel that work to sooth digestive discomfort.

  2. “L” Massage - Laying down - starting at the lower right of your belly apply gentle pressure while you move your hand to the upper right of your belly, move you hand to your upper left , and to your lower left, - you can add Digestzen if you are using that and repeat

  3. Laying on the floor twist your legs to the left side, hold until you feel ready to move, and move to the right side. If you feel any pain or discomfort you should stop.